Program Committee

Program Committee

Name Institution Nael Abu-Ghazaleh University of California, Riverside, USA Kishwar Ahmed University of Toledo, USA Philipp Andelfinger University of Rostock, Germany Peter Barnes Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA Wentong Cai Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Christopher Carothers Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA Rodrigo Castro University of Buenos Aires, Argentina Stephan Eidenbenz Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA Kevin Jin University of Arkansas, USA Yao Kang NVidia, USA Till Köster Rostock University, Germany Zhiling Lan Illinois Institute of Technology, USA Jason Liu Florida International University, USA Xin Liu Meta Platforms, USA Margaret Loper Georgia Tech Research Institute, USA Romolo Marotta Tor Vergata University of Rome, Italy Navonil Mustafee University of Exeter, UK Ernest Page The MITRE Corporation, USA Alessandro Pellegrini Tor Vergata University of Rome, Italy Andrea Piccione Huawei Munich Research Center, Germany Yanfeng Qu University of Arkansas, USA Francesco Quaglia Tor Vergata University of Rome, Italy Dhananjai Rao Miami University, USA Steffen Strassburger Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany Claudia Szabo University of Adelaide, Australia Wenjie Tang National University of Defense Technology, China Georgios Theodoropoulos SUSTech, China Adelinde Uhrmacher University of Rostock, Germany Gabriel Wainer Carleton University, Canada Philip Wilsey University of Cincinnati, USA Noah Wolfe AMD, USA Guanhua Yan Binghamton University, State University of New York, USA Yiping Yao National University of Defense Technology, China Neil McGlohon IBM, USA Kevin Brown Argonne National Laboratory, USA Wen Jun Tan Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Sounak Gupta Intel, USA

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Steering Committee

Steering Committee

Drew Hamilton End of term: 1-Jun-24 Adelinde Uhrmacher ChairEnd of term: 1-Jun-25 Philipp Andelfinger End of term: 1-Jun-25 Alessandro Pellegrini End of term: 1-Jun-26 University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Kevin Jin End of term: 1-Jun-27 University of Arkansas Wentong Cai End of term: 1-Jun-28

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