PhD Colloquium


Submission Deadline: April 11, 2025

Notification: April 21, 2025

The PhD Colloquium and Poster Session at the ACM SIGSIM PADS conference is an exciting opportunity for PhD students to present their work to the research community!

Following PADS tradition, we focus on students. Again this year, we will be accepting extended-abstract submissions of doctoral work in simulation and modeling research areas. Abstracts accepted to the colloquium will be published in the conference proceedings, giving students a citable publication. We strongly encourage any researchers in the simulation areas to recommend their students apply as this provides them with many opportunities:

  • Experience with presenting their own research with colleagues in a conference setting
  • A platform for receiving feedback and thoughts on their work
  • A citable document to get their ideas and preliminary research out to the community
  • Free one-year student membership to ACM SIGSIM,
  • A limited number of $1,000 travel grants to colloquium participants.
  • The Best Abstract/Presentation winner will receive a certificate and a cash prize.

Students with accepted submissions will be expected to present their work at the PhD Colloquium (in a short talk and as a poster), discussing their current and future work during the conference. Abstract submissions related to work submitted to the regular track are allowed in the colloquium, but we ask that the content be different enough to act as a standalone work. We also encourage students to embark on writing their first single-author abstracts! (Of course, multiple authors are very welcome.)

Submission Format

The extended abstracts must be in double-column format, up to two pages in length (including references), with the same LaTex template as for regular papers. To simplify the process, we provide a starter LaTeX project for the students.

Important Notes

  • Please do not modify the font sizes, line spacing, or margin sizes from the template
  • Your final camera-ready submission should also include the copyright information received from the eRights process.

Important Dates

Submission Deadline: April 11, 2025

Notification: April 21, 2025

For more information, see important dates.

Submission Instructions

A Ph.D. Colloquium track for submission will be made available soon on the PADS EasyChair page.

For questions, please contact the PhD Colloquium Co-Chairs: Steffen Straßburger and Justin Kreikemeyer

Student Travel Grant


To support the professional development of Ph.D. students working in the field of modeling and simulation, SIGSIM and NSF offer travel support for students to attend the ACM SIGSIM-PADS.

Individual awards of up to $1,000 will be made. These awards can be used for travel, lodging, and registration expenses. Awardees will need to submit receipts for reimbursement after attending the conference.


  1. The applicant must be enrolled in a Ph.D. program.
  2. The student’s research must relate directly to advancing the art of simulation and modeling.
  3. Supported students may be asked to offer some assistance to the conference organizers and SIGSIM at the conference. This may require up to four hours of their time at the conference.

Application materials should include:

  1. A statement of up to 500 words describing how participation in the ACM SIGSIM-PADS, will benefit the student’s professional development (including detail on how the grant will be spent).
  2. A description of the student’s research objectives in the field of modeling and simulation and how this research will advance the field.
  3. The student’s current curriculum vitae.
  4. A support letter from an individual familiar with the student’s simulation-related research.
  5. An academic transcript of the student’s graduate work. This transcript should show that the student is currently enrolled in a Ph.D. program. Submission The application materials should be submitted within a single zip file via the form.

For any questions, contact Dr. Yanfeng Qu (