DIVANet '14- Proceedings of the fourth ACM international symposium on Development and analysis of intelligent vehicular networks and applications

Full Citation in the ACM Digital Library

SESSION: Smart cars and social network

Swarm-based traffic lights policy selection

Keypoint-based binocular distance measurement for pedestrian detection system

Vehicular social systems: an overview and a performance case study

SESSION: Protocols and architecture design

Implementing and evaluating V2X protocols over iTETRIS: traffic estimation in the COLOMBO project

Power efficient high-rate data service provisioning in vehicular networks

A prediction based clustering algorithm for target tracking in vehicular ad-hoc networks

CAMS transmission rate adaptation for vehicular safety application in LTE

SESSION: Cloud and VANET content delivery

Sensor cloud computing for vehicular applications: from analysis to practical implementation

Evaluating VANET information retrieval context aware systems using the average distance measure ADM

Adapting to the driving context in congestion control for vehicular networks

Towards a service centric contextualized vehicular cloud

SESSION: Safety and security issues

Improved multi-channel operation for safety messages dissemination in vehicular networks

A model for situation and threat/impact assessment in vehicular ad-hoc networks

Effective public key infrastructure for vehicle-to-grid network

Trust based security enhancements for vehicular ad hocnetworks

SESSION: Query patterns and sensor networks

Propagation modeling and MAC-layer performance in EM-based underwater sensor networks

An enhanced security scheme for query state inference in EPCglobal discovery services

Content replication and delivery in vehicular networks

Wireless channel resource allocation to support real-time transportation applications with multiple service classes

Big data architecture evolution: 2014 and beyond

SESSION: Resource management for wireless network

Experimental evaluation of pulse-coupled oscillator synchronization in IEEE 802.15.4 networks

Data synchronization via random network coding

Primary-secondary resource-management on vehicular networks under soft and hard collision constraints