DIVANet '15- Proceedings of the 5th ACM Symposium on Development and Analysis of Intelligent Vehicular Networks and Applications

Full Citation in the ACM Digital Library

SESSION: Smart Vehicles

Connectivity Stability in Autonomous Multi-level UAV Swarms for Wide Area Monitoring

WhatIF Application: Moving Electrically without an Electric Vehicle

Towards Efficient Vehicle Classification in Intelligent Transportation Systems

SESSION: Monitoring and Performance

Cooperative Spectrum Sensing with Trust Assistance for Cognitive Radio Vehicular Ad hoc Networks

Improving the Performance of VANETs using Many-to-Many Communication

Scalable Transportation Monitoring using the Smartphone Road Monitoring (SRoM) System

HCI in VANET IR-CAS: Multimodal Interface for VANET Context Aware IR Systems

SESSION: Social Networks and Applications

Towards In Time Music Mood-Mapping for Drivers: A Novel Approach

OnlineCruise: An Online Social Grouping Strategy for Vehicular Social Networks

On the Provisioning of Vehicle-Based Public Sensing Services

Smartphone-based Architecture for Smart Cities

SESSION: Wireless Communications

Geometry-Based Statistical Modeling of Non-Stationary MIMO Vehicle-to-Vehicle Channels

An Efficient Pseudonym Change Protocol Based on Trusted Neighbours for Privacy and Anonymity in VANETs

A Fuzzy Logic-Based Communication Medium Selection for QoS Preservation in Vehicular Networks

Spectrum Access Quality for Mobile Broadband Video Communications in Smart Cities