MSWiM '14- Proceedings of the 17th ACM international conference on Modeling, analysis and simulation of wireless and mobile systems
Full Citation in the ACM Digital Library
SESSION: Welcome address and keynote speaker
Wireless sensor networks in challenged environments such as underwater and underground
Ian F. Akyildiz
SESSION: Wireless sensor networks (I)
DrySim: simulation-aided deployment-specific tailoring of mote-class WSN software
Moritz Strübe
Florian Lukas
Bijun Li
Rüdiger Kapitza
Connectivity analysis of indoor wireless sensor networks using realistic propagation models
Gagan Goel
Scott H. Melvin
Yves Lostanlen
Dimitrios Hatzinakos
TR-MAC: an energy-efficient MAC protocol exploiting transmitted reference modulation for wireless sensor networks
Sarwar Morshed
Geert Heijenk
SESSION: Multihop wireless networks (I)
Dirichlet's principle on multiclass multihop wireless networks: minimum cost routing subject to stability
Reza Banirazi
Edmond Jonckheere
Bhaskar Krishnamachari
Energy-efficient multi-hop broadcasting in low power and lossy networks
Chi-Anh La
Liviu-Octavian Varga
Martin Heusse
Andrzej Duda
Wireless networking testbed and emulator (WiNeTestEr)
Kiruba S. Subramani
Joseph D. Beshay
Niranjan Mahabaleshwar
Ehsan Nourbakhsh
Brooks McMillin
Bhaskar Banerjee
Ravi Prakash
Yongjiu Du
Pengda Huang
Tianzuo Xi
Yang You
Joseph D. Camp
Ping Gui
Dinesh Rajan
Jinghong Chen
SESSION: Mobile and vehicular ad hoc networks
Exact analysis on network capacity of airborne MANETS with digital beamforming antennas
Jun Li
Chi Zhang
Yifeng Zhou
Simon Perras
Yiqiang Q. Zhao
Impact of node mobility on single-hop cluster overlap in vehicular ad hoc networks
Khadige Abboud
Weihua Zhuang
Entropy as a new metric for denial of service attack detection in vehicular ad-hoc networks
Mohamed Nidhal Mejri
Jalel Ben-Othman
Socially inspired data dissemination for vehicular ad hoc networks
Felipe D. Cunha
Guilherme G. Maia
Aline C. Viana
Raquel A. Mini
Leandro A. Villas
Antonio A. Loureiro
SESSION: LTE and cellular networks (I)
Semi-static interference coordination in OFDMA/LTE networks: evaluation of practical aspects
Donald Parruca
Fahad Aizaz
Soamsiri Chantaraskul
James Gross
Handoff rate analysis in heterogeneous cellular networks: a stochastic geometric approach
Wei Bao
Ben Liang
Mobile device video caching to improve video qoe and cellular network capacity
Hasti A. Pedersen
Sujit Dey
Towards mobility-aware predictive radio access: modeling; simulation; and evaluation in LTE networks
Hatem Abou-zeid
Hossam S. Hassanein
Ramy Atawia
SESSION: Keynote speaker
Magic of wireless sensor networks
Dharma P. Agrawal
SESSION: Optimization and performance evaluation
Multi-channel slotted aloha optimization for machine-type-communication
Osama Arouk
Adlen Ksentini
On optimal relay placement for improved performance in non-coverage limited scenarios
Mikhail Zolotukin
Alexander Sayenko
Timo Hamalainen
Performance of simple polling MAC with wireless re-charging in the presence of noise
Jelena Miýić
Mohammad S.I. Khan
Vojislav B. Miýić
SESSION: LTE and multihop wireless networks (II)
Regret-based learning for medium access in LTE femtocell networks
Ying Wang
Jason Min Wang
Brahim Bensaou
User satisfaction based joint user selection and beamforming in TD-LTE-A downlink
Xuanli Wu
Nannan Fu
Di Lin
Wanjun Zhao
Modeling of IEEE 802.11 multi-hop wireless chains with hidden nodes
Thiago Abreu
Bruno Baynat
Thomas Begin
Isabelle Guérin-Lassous
Nghi Nguyen
Interference-aware mesh multicast for wireless multihop networks
Daniel Lertpratchya
Douglas M. Blough
George F. Riley
SESSION: Delay tolerant and opportunistic networks
Analysis of social structure and routing in human based delay tolerant network
Suvadip Batabyal
Parama Bhaumik
Efficient solutions for the authenticated fragmentation problem in delay- and disruption-tolerant networks
Michael Noisternig
Matthias Hollick
Searching a needle in (linear) opportunistic networks
Esa Hyytiä
Suzan Bayhan
Jörg Ott
Jussi Kangasharju
Duty cycling in opportunistic networks: the effect on intercontact times
Elisabetta Biondi
Chiara Boldrini
Andrea Passarella
Marco Conti
SESSION: Wireless sensor networks (II)
A simple method for the deployment of wireless sensors to ensure full coverage of an irregular area with obstacles
Ines Khoufi
Pascale Minet
Anis Laouiti
Erwan Livolant
Organic wireless sensor networks: a resilient paradigm for ubiquitous sensing
Sharief M.A. Oteafy
Hossam S. Hassanein
Transmission power control-based opportunistic routing for wireless sensor networks
Rodolfo W.L. Coutinho
Azzedine Boukerche
Luiz F.M. Vieira
Antonio A.F. Loureiro
Imputing missing values in sensor networks using sparse data representations
Liang Ze Wong
Huiling Chen
Shaowei Lin
Daniel Chongli Chen
SESSION: Network coding and data forwarding
On control of inter-session network coding in delay-tolerant mobile social networks
Neetya Shrestha
Lucile Sassatelli
Space-time efficient wireless network coding
Yan Yan
Baoxian Zhang
Zheng Yao
Community-based forwarding for low-capacity pocket switched networks
Khadija Rasul
Shaiful Alam Chowdhury
Dwight Makaroff
Kevin Stanley
SESSION: Tracking, positioning, and scheduling
Lane detection and tracking system based on the MSER algorithm, hough transform and kalman filter
Abdelhamid Mammeri
Azzedine Boukerche
Guangqian Lu
Incorporating user motion information for indoor smartphone positioning in sparse Wi-Fi environments
Wasiq Waqar
Yuanzhu Chen
Andrew Vardy
Extending wireless algorithm design to arbitrary environments via metricity
Helga Gudmundsdottir
Eyjólfur I. Ásgeirsson
Marijke H.L. Bodlaender
Joseph T. Foley
Magnús M. Halldórsson
Ymir Vigfusson
SESSION: Mobility, caching, and compression
Understanding the interactions of handover-related self-organization schemes
Kais Elmurtadi Suleiman
Abd-Elhamid M. Taha
Hossam S. Hassanein
FGPC: fine-grained popularity-based caching design for content centric networking
Mau Dung Ong
Min Chen
Tarik Taleb
Xiaofei Wang
Victor C.M. Leung
Application caching for cloud-sensor systems
Yi Xu
Sumi Helal
Efficient data compression with error bound guarantee in wireless sensor networks
Mohammad Abu Alsheikh
Puay Kai Poh
Shaowei Lin
Hwee-Pink Tan
Dusit Niyato
SESSION: Algorithms, scheduling, and optimization
Deterministic distributed rendezvous algorithms for multi-radio cognitive radio networks
Guyue Li
Zhaoquan Gu
Xiao Lin
Haosen Pu
Qiang-sheng Hua
A semi-persistent scheduling scheme for videotelephony traffics in the uplink of LTE networks
Jean Thierry Stephen Avocanh
Marwen Abdennebi
Jalel Ben-Othman
Giuseppe Piro
Channel capacity optimization for an integrated wi-fi and free-space optic communication system (WiFiFO)
Qiwei Wang
Thinh Nguyen
Alan X. Wang
Mobility in a large-scale WiFi network: from syslog events to mobile user sessions
Jennie Steshenko
Vasanta G. Chaganti
James Kurose
Demo abstract: realistic evaluation of kernel protocols and software defined wireless networks with DCE/ns-3
Emilio P. Mancini
Hardik Soni
Thierry Turletti
Walid Dabbous
Hajime Tazaki