MSWiM '15- Proceedings of the 18th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems
Full Citation in the ACM Digital Library
SESSION: Keynote Address 1
AVANET Services, Autonomous Vehicles and the Mobile Cloud
Mario Gerla
SESSION: Keynote Address 2
Unleashing the True Power of Mobile Systems: Big Data and Analytics
Pablo Vidales
SESSION: Session 1: Wireless Communication (I)
Deep Inspection of the Noise in WiFi Time-of-Flight Echo Techniques
Domenico Giustiniano
Theodoros Bourchas
Maciej Bednarek
Vincent Lenders
Delay Analysis for Wireless Fading Channels with Finite Blocklength Channel Coding
Sebastian Schiessl
James Gross
Hussein Al-Zubaidy
Mechanisms for Multi-Packet Reception Protocols in Multi-Hop Networks
Ke Li
Ioanis Nikolaidis
Janelle Harms
SESSION: Session 2: Mobile and Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
Traversal Strategies for Wireless Power Transfer in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
Constantinos Marios Angelopoulos
Julia Buwaya
Orestis Evangelatos
José Rolim
The Geometry-Based Statistical Modeling of MIMO Mobile-to-Mobile Channels Revisited
Carlos Adrian Gutierrez Diaz de Leon
José Trinidad Gutierrez-Mena
José Martin Luna Rivera
Daniel Ulises Campos Delgado
Filling the Gaps of Vehicular Mobility Traces
Fabrício A. Silva
Clayson Celes
Azzedine Boukerche
Linnyer B. Ruiz
Antonio A.F. Loureiro
SESSION: Session 3: Cognitive Radio Networks (I)
Rendezvous In Cognitive Radio Ad-Hoc Networks With Channel Ranking
Md Akbar Hossain
Nurul I Sarkar
Optimal Rendezvous Strategies for Different Environments in Cognitive Radio Networks
Haisheng Tan
Jiajun Yu
Hongyu Liang
Rui Wang
Zhenhua Han
SESSION: Session 4: Algorithms, Scheduling, and Optimization
RFT: Identifying Suitable Neighbors for Concurrent Transmissions in Point-to-Point Communications
Jin Zhang
Andreas Reinhardt
Wen Hu
Salil S. Kanhere
Broadcast Strategies in Wireless Body Area Networks
Wafa Badreddine
Claude Chaudet
Federico Petruzzi
Maria Potop-Butucaru
A Resilient Dynamic Gateway Selection Algorithm Based on Quality Aware Metrics for Smart Grids
Vitor Hugo Okabayashi
Igor Cesar Gonzalez Ribeiro
Diego Menezes Passos
Célio Vinicius Neves Albuquerque
Modeling Multi-path TCP Throughput with Coupled Congestion Control and Flow Control
Qingfang Liu
Ke Xu
Haiyang Wang
Lei Xu
SESSION: Session 5: Delay Tolerant and Opportunistic Networks
Two-way Communications in Cognitive Personal Area Networks
Md Mizanur Rahman
Jelena Mišić
Vojislav B. Mišić
Two Hops or More: On Hop-Limited Search in Opportunistic Networks
Suzan Bayhan
Esa Hyytiä
Jussi Kangasharju
Jörg Ott
Modeling and Analysis of Opportunistic Routing in Low Duty-Cycle Underwater Sensor Networks
Rodolfo W.L. Coutinho
Azzedine Boukerche
Luiz F.M. Vieira
Antonio A.F. Loureiro
SESSION: Session 6: Wireless Sensor Networks (I)
Autoregressive Integrated Model for Time Synchronization in Wireless Sensor Networks
Wasif Masood
Jorge F. Schmidt
Design and Evaluation of an RPL-based Multi-Sink Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks
Kevin Andrea
Robert Simon
An Efficient Burst Transmission Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks
Zeeshan Ansar
Jianjun Wen
Eyuel Debebe Ayele
Waltenegus Dargie
Connected P-Percent Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks based on Degree Constraint Dominating Set Approach
Habib Mostafaei
Morshed U. Chowdhury
Rafiqul Islam
Hojjat Gholizadeh
SESSION: Session 7: Cellular Networks and Mobility Management
Minimizing Access Delay for M2M Traffic in Multi-RAT HetNets
Prajwal Osti
Samuli Aalto
Pasi Lassila
On the Design and Evaluation of Producer Mobility Management Schemes in Named Data Networks
Hesham Farahat
Hossam Hassanein
Stochastic Geometry Modeling of Cellular Networks: Analysis, Simulation and Experimental Validation
Wei Lu
Marco Di Renzo
SDN Based Control Plane Extensions for Mobility Management Improvement in Next Generation ETArch Networks
Felipe S. Dantas Silva
Augusto J.V. Neto
Douglas Braz Maciel
Jose Castillo-Lema
Flávio de Oliveira Silva
Pedro Frosi Rosa
Multiple Access Class Barring Factors Algorithm for M2M Communications in LTE-advanced Networks
Meriam Bouzouita
Yassine Hadjadj-Aoul
Nawel Zangar
Gerardo Rubino
Sami Tabbane
SESSION: Session 8: Cognitive Radio Networks (II)
COExiST: Revisiting Transmission Count for Cognitive Radio Networks
Guillaume Artero Gallardo
Jean-Gabriel Krieg
Gentian Jakllari
Lucile Canourgues
André-Luc Beylot
Communication and Block Game in Cognitive Radio Networks
Haosen Pu
Zhaoquan Gu
Qiang-Sheng Hua
Hai Jin
Protecting Location Information in Collaborative Sensing of Cognitive Radio Networks
Yunlong Mao
Tingting Chen
Yuan Zhang
Tiancong Wang
Sheng Zhong
SESSION: Session 9: Wireless Networks
Rethinking the Importance of Accurately Simulating the Runtimes of Firmware used in Wireless Sensor Networks
Georg Möstl
Andreas Springer
The Effect of Emerging Traffic Patterns on High Speed Wireless LANs
Emma Fitzgerald
Bjorn Landfeldt
Phase-based Ranging of RFID Tags with Applications to Shopping Cart Localization
Jihoon Ryoo
Samir R. Das
EasiPCC: Popularity-aware Collaborative Caching for Web Requests in Low-Duty-Cycle Sensor Networks
Chenda Hou
Dong Li
Li Cui
SESSION: Session 10: Performance Evaluation
Anticipatory Admission Control and Resource Allocation for Media Streaming in Mobile Networks
Nicola Bui
Ilaria Malanchini
Joerg Widmer
Potential Game based Energy Efficient Resource Allocation in HeNB Networks
Ying Wang
Xiangming Dai
Jason Min Wang
Brahim Bensaou
Game-theoretic Analysis of Computation Offloading for Cloudlet-based Mobile Cloud Computing
Xiao Ma
Chuang Lin
Xudong Xiang
Congjie Chen
Energy-Efficient Model for Overlay Cognitive Communications
Salvador Perez-Salgado
Enrique Rodriguez-Colina
SESSION: Session 11: Modeling and Simulation
5G MmWave Module for the ns-3 Network Simulator
Marco Mezzavilla
Sourjya Dutta
Menglei Zhang
Mustafa Riza Akdeniz
Sundeep Rangan
Data Dependency based Parallel Simulation of Wireless Networks
Mirko Stoffers
Torsten Sehy
James Gross
Klaus Wehrle
A Computing Profiling Procedure for Mobile Developers to Estimate Energy Cost
Majid L. Altamimi
Kshirasagar Naik
Modelling the Bandwidth Allocation Problem in Mobile Service-Oriented Networks
Bo Gao
Ligang He
Chao Chen
Building a Large Dataset for Model-based QoE Prediction in the Mobile Environment
Lamine Amour
Souihi Sami
Said Hoceini
Abdelhamid Mellouk
SESSION: Session 12: Network Coding and Data Forwarding
A Bloom Filter-Based Algorithm for Routing in Intermittently Connected Mobile Networks
Jairo Javier Sanchez-Hernandez
Rolando Menchaca-Mendez
Ricardo Menchaca-Mendez
Jesus Garcia-Diaz
Mario Eduardo Rivero-Angeles
José Joaquin Garcia-Luna-Aceves
Swift: A Hybrid Digital-Analog Scheme for Low-Delay Transmission of Mobile Stereo Video
Dongliang He
Chong Luo
Feng Wu
Wenjun Zeng
An Efficient Transmission Method for Bulk Data Based on Network Coding in Delay Tolerant Network
Wancheng Chen
YueBin Bai
Jiaojiao Liang
Wenjia Liu
Rui Wang
Xiaoyun Mo
Ziming Luo