MSWiM '15- Proceedings of the 18th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems

Full Citation in the ACM Digital Library

SESSION: Keynote Address 1

AVANET Services, Autonomous Vehicles and the Mobile Cloud

SESSION: Keynote Address 2

Unleashing the True Power of Mobile Systems: Big Data and Analytics

SESSION: Session 1: Wireless Communication (I)

Deep Inspection of the Noise in WiFi Time-of-Flight Echo Techniques

Delay Analysis for Wireless Fading Channels with Finite Blocklength Channel Coding

Mechanisms for Multi-Packet Reception Protocols in Multi-Hop Networks

SESSION: Session 2: Mobile and Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

Traversal Strategies for Wireless Power Transfer in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

The Geometry-Based Statistical Modeling of MIMO Mobile-to-Mobile Channels Revisited

Filling the Gaps of Vehicular Mobility Traces

SESSION: Session 3: Cognitive Radio Networks (I)

Rendezvous In Cognitive Radio Ad-Hoc Networks With Channel Ranking

Optimal Rendezvous Strategies for Different Environments in Cognitive Radio Networks

SESSION: Session 4: Algorithms, Scheduling, and Optimization

RFT: Identifying Suitable Neighbors for Concurrent Transmissions in Point-to-Point Communications

Broadcast Strategies in Wireless Body Area Networks

A Resilient Dynamic Gateway Selection Algorithm Based on Quality Aware Metrics for Smart Grids

Modeling Multi-path TCP Throughput with Coupled Congestion Control and Flow Control

SESSION: Session 5: Delay Tolerant and Opportunistic Networks

Two-way Communications in Cognitive Personal Area Networks

Two Hops or More: On Hop-Limited Search in Opportunistic Networks

Modeling and Analysis of Opportunistic Routing in Low Duty-Cycle Underwater Sensor Networks

SESSION: Session 6: Wireless Sensor Networks (I)

Autoregressive Integrated Model for Time Synchronization in Wireless Sensor Networks

Design and Evaluation of an RPL-based Multi-Sink Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks

An Efficient Burst Transmission Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks

Connected P-Percent Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks based on Degree Constraint Dominating Set Approach

SESSION: Session 7: Cellular Networks and Mobility Management

Minimizing Access Delay for M2M Traffic in Multi-RAT HetNets

On the Design and Evaluation of Producer Mobility Management Schemes in Named Data Networks

Stochastic Geometry Modeling of Cellular Networks: Analysis, Simulation and Experimental Validation

SDN Based Control Plane Extensions for Mobility Management Improvement in Next Generation ETArch Networks

Multiple Access Class Barring Factors Algorithm for M2M Communications in LTE-advanced Networks

SESSION: Session 8: Cognitive Radio Networks (II)

COExiST: Revisiting Transmission Count for Cognitive Radio Networks

Communication and Block Game in Cognitive Radio Networks

Protecting Location Information in Collaborative Sensing of Cognitive Radio Networks

SESSION: Session 9: Wireless Networks

Rethinking the Importance of Accurately Simulating the Runtimes of Firmware used in Wireless Sensor Networks

The Effect of Emerging Traffic Patterns on High Speed Wireless LANs

Phase-based Ranging of RFID Tags with Applications to Shopping Cart Localization

EasiPCC: Popularity-aware Collaborative Caching for Web Requests in Low-Duty-Cycle Sensor Networks

SESSION: Session 10: Performance Evaluation

Anticipatory Admission Control and Resource Allocation for Media Streaming in Mobile Networks

Potential Game based Energy Efficient Resource Allocation in HeNB Networks

Game-theoretic Analysis of Computation Offloading for Cloudlet-based Mobile Cloud Computing

Energy-Efficient Model for Overlay Cognitive Communications

SESSION: Session 11: Modeling and Simulation

5G MmWave Module for the ns-3 Network Simulator

Data Dependency based Parallel Simulation of Wireless Networks

A Computing Profiling Procedure for Mobile Developers to Estimate Energy Cost

Modelling the Bandwidth Allocation Problem in Mobile Service-Oriented Networks

Building a Large Dataset for Model-based QoE Prediction in the Mobile Environment

SESSION: Session 12: Network Coding and Data Forwarding

A Bloom Filter-Based Algorithm for Routing in Intermittently Connected Mobile Networks

Swift: A Hybrid Digital-Analog Scheme for Low-Delay Transmission of Mobile Stereo Video

An Efficient Transmission Method for Bulk Data Based on Network Coding in Delay Tolerant Network