MSWiM '16- Proceedings of the 19th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems

Full Citation in the ACM Digital Library

SESSION: Keynote Address 1

Privacy Challenges in Mobile and Pervasive Networks

SESSION: Keynote Address 2

Use of Optimization Models for Resource Allocation in Wireless Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks

SESSION: Mobile and Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

Theoretical Interference Analysis of Inter-vehicular Communication at Intersection with Power Control

Effective Selection of Targeted Advertisements for Vehicular Users

A Fully-distributed Traffic Management System to Improve the Overall Traffic Efficiency

SESSION: Optimization, and Energy Consumption

Revisiting 802.11 Rate Adaptation from Energy Consumption's Perspective

Energy Efficiency in Mixed Access Networks

Energy Aware Network Formation in Peer-to-Peer Wireless Power Transfer

SESSION: WiFi and WAN Performance Evaluation

Passive Classification of Wi-Fi Enabled Devices

Do LoRa Low-Power Wide-Area Networks Scale?

Impact of Time in Network Selection for Mobile Nodes

Evaluating Video Dissemination in Realistic Urban Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks

SESSION: Wireless Networks -- Performance Modeling

T-SIMn: Towards the High Fidelity Trace-Based Simulation of 802.11n Networks

Preference and Mobility-Aware Task Assignment in Participatory Sensing

Experimental Validation of a Distributed Self-Configured 6TiSCH with Traffic Isolation in Low Power Lossy Networks

A Novel Semi-Supervised Adaboost Technique for Network Anomaly Detection

An Approach to Rule Placement in Software-Defined Networks

SESSION: Wireless Access

Association Optimization in Wi-Fi Networks: Use of an Access-based Fairness

Performance-Energy Trade-offs in Smartphones

A Novel Service-oriented Architecture for Information-Centric Vehicular Networks

SESSION: Wireless Cloud and IoT

Formal Analysis and Verification of the IEEE 802.15.4 DSME Slot Allocation

Analytical Models for QoS-driven VNF Placement and Provisioning in Wireless Carrier Cloud

Modeling and Analysis: Energy Harvesting in the Internet of Things

SESSION: Cellular Networks and Mobility Management

Holistic Small Cell Traffic Balancing across Licensed and Unlicensed Bands

Learning-Based Resource Allocation Scheme for TDD-Based 5G CRAN System

Backhaul Routing and Base Station Sleep Mode Engagement in Energy Harvesting Cellular Networks

Characterizing User Activity in WiFi Networks: University Campus and Urban Area Case Studies

SESSION: Wireless Sensor Networks

An Experimental Study of Cross-Technology Interference in In-Vehicle Wireless Sensor Networks

A Novel Centrality Metric for Topology Control in Underwater Sensor Networks

A Slot Sharing TDMA Scheme for Reliable and Efficient Collision Resolution in WSNs

Multisensor Data Fusion for Patient Risk Level Determination and Decision-support in Wireless Body Sensor Networks

On Optimal Charger Positioning in Clustered RF-power Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks

SESSION: Wireless Communication

Examining Relationships Between 802.11n Physical Layer Transmission Feature Combinations

Making On-Demand Routing Efficient with Route-Request Aggregation

Neighbor Contamination to Achieve Complete Bottleneck Control

Distributionally Robust Relay Beamforming in Wireless Communications

SESSION: D2D and Wearable Devices

Control-theoretic Scalable Device-to-Device Offloading System for Video Streaming Services

Performance of D2D Underlay and Overlay for Elastic Traffic

A Virtual Local-hub Solution with Function Module Sharing for Wearable Devices

Dynamic Adaptive Access Barring Scheme For Heavily Congested M2M Networks

SESSION: Sensing and Tracking

A Real-time Indoor Tracking System in Smartphones

Matrix: Multihop Address Allocation and Dynamic Any-to-Any Routing for 6LoWPAN

Updating Wireless Signal Map with Bayesian Compressive Sensing

An Energy-Detection-Based Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Scheme for Minimizing the Effects of NPEE and RSPF

SESSION: Wireless Networks

Dynamic Sensitivity Control to improve Spatial Reuse in Dense Wireless LANs

Normalization of Application Performance in IEEE 802.11 Networks

An Efficient Content Delivery Infrastructure Leveraging the Public Transportation Network

Coverage Properties of One-Dimensional Infrastructure-Based Wireless Networks