MSWiM '17- Proceedings of the 20th ACM International Conference on Modelling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems
Full Citation in the ACM Digital Library
SESSION: Keynote Address 1
Provisioning and Management of Internet of Things Applications: Open Issues and Insights
Albert Y. Zomaya
SESSION: Keynote Address 2
Fundamental Concepts, Problems and Algorithms for Wireless Power Transfer in Adhoc Communication Networks
Sotiris Nikoletseas
Data Collection in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks: Research Challenges and Potential Approaches
Rodolfo W.L. Coutinho
Azzedine Boukerche
SESSION: Wireless Networks
Optimal Mapping of Stations to Access Points in Enterprise Wireless Local Area Networks
Suzan Bayhan
Anatolij Zubow
Semi-Blind Interference Prediction in Wireless Networks
Mahin K. Atiq
Udo Schilcher
Jorge F. Schmidt
Christian Bettstetter
LABeL: Link-based Adaptive BLacklisting Technique for 6TiSCH Wireless Industrial Networks
Vasileios Kotsiou
Georgios Z. Papadopoulos
Periklis Chatzimisios
Fabrice Theoleyre
WiFO: A Hybrid WiFi Free-Space Optical Communication Networks of Femtocells
Qiwei Wang
Spencer Liverman
Yu-jung Chu
Anindita Borah
Songtao Wang
Thinh Nguyen
Arun Natarajan
Alan X. Wang
The Importance of Adjacent Channel Interference: Experimental Validation of ns-3 for Dense Wi-Fi Networks
Andra M. Voicu
Laurent Lava
Ljiljana Simić
Marina Petrova
SESSION: Mobility and Multi-Channel Wireless Access
Carrier-Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance and Detection
J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves
Multi-Channel Continuous Rendezvous in Cognitive Networks
Cledson Oliveira de Sousa
Diego Passos
Ricardo Campanha Carrano
Célio Albuquerque
Rendezvous with Utilities in Cognitive Radio Networks
Lin Xiao
Gu Zhaoquan
Improving BLE Distance Estimation and Classification Using TX Power and Machine Learning: A Comparative Analysis
Mimonah Al Qathrady
Ahmed Helmy
GRM: Group Regularity Mobility Model
Ivan O. Nunes
Clayson Celes
Michael D. Silva
Pedro O.S. Vaz de Melo
Antonio A.F. Loureiro
SESSION: Mobile Cloud/Fog/Edge Computing
Quality of Experience-Aware Mobile Edge Caching through a Vehicular Cloud
Luigi Vigneri
Thrasyvoulos Spyropoulos
Chadi Barakat
Cost-Effective Processing in Fog-Integrated Internet of Things Ecosystems
Wei Bao
Wei Li
Flavia C. Delicato
Paulo F. Pires
Dong Yuan
Bing Bing Zhou
Albert Y. Zomaya
QoS-Aware Task Offloading in Distributed Cloudlets with Virtual Network Function Services
Mike Jia
Weifa Liang
Zichuan Xu
Providing Computing Services through Mobile Devices in a Collaborative Way - A Fog Computing Case Study
Danilo Costa Marim Segura
Rafael de Souza Stabile
Sarita Mazzini Bruschi
Paulo Sergio Lopes de Souza
Hardening Opportunistic HIP
Adel Fuchs
Ariel Stulman
Andrei Gurtov
SESSION: Wireless Sensor Networks
DADCA: An Efficient Distributed Algorithm for Aerial DataCollection from Wireless Sensors Networks by UAVs
Bruno Olivieri
Markus Endler
Experimental Study of Packet Loss in a UWB Sensor Network for Aircraft
Daniel Neuhold
Jorge F. Schmidt
Jirka Klaue
Dominic Schupke
Christian Bettstetter
Lifetime-Aware Data Collection Using a Mobile Sink in WSNs with Unreachable Regions
Chuanyao Nie
Hui Wu
Wenguang Zheng
Serial In-network Processing for Large Stationary Wireless Sensor Networks
Mohammed Amine Merzoug
Azzedine Boukerche
Ahmed Mostefaoui
SESSION: 4G/5G Wireless Network
Live Synthesis of Vehicle-Sourced Data Over 4G LTE
Wenlu Hu
Ziqiang Feng
Zhuo Chen
Jan Harkes
Padmanabhan Pillai
Mahadev Satyanarayanan
Performance Model for 4G/5G Heterogeneous Networks with Different Classes of Users
Narcisse Nya
Bruno Baynat
Joint User Association and Backhaul Routing for Green 5G Mesh Millimeter Wave Backhaul Networks
Agapi Mesodiakaki
Enrica Zola
Andreas Kassler
SESSION: Indoor Localization and Location Privacy
Acrux: Indoor Localization Without Strings
Jean-Gabriel Krieg
Gentian Jakllari
Hadrien Toma
Andre-Luc Beylot
Pre-Crowdsourcing: Predicting Wireless Propagation with Phone-Based Channel Quality Measurements
Rita Enami
Yan Shi
Dinesh Rajan
Joseph Camp
Rate-Compatible Transmission Schemes Based on Parallel Concatenated Punctured Polar Codes
Bowen Feng
Jian Jiao
Sha Wang
Shaohua Wu
Shushi Gu
Qinyu Zhang
An Uncertain Continuous Collaborative Users Finding Algorithm for Location Privacy Protection
Lei Zhang
Chunguang Ma
Songtao Yang
Zengpeng Li
SESSION: User Mobility and Data Integration
Reverse Engineering Human Mobility in Large-scale Natural Disasters
Milan Stute
Max Maass
Tom Schons
Matthias Hollick
SMAFramework: Urban Data Integration Framework for Mobility Analysis in Smart Cities
Diego O. Rodrigues
Azzedine Boukerche
Thiago H. Silva
Antonio A.F. Loureiro
Leandro A. Villas
Inferring Private Demographics of New Users in Recommender Systems
Mingxuan Sun
Changbin Li
Hongyuan Zha
SESSION: Scheduling and Prediction
Scheduling Nodes in Underwater Networks using Voronoi Diagram
Eduardo P.M. Câmara Júnior
Luiz F.M. Vieira
Marcos A.M. Vieira
Energy-efficient HTTP Adaptive Streaming with Anticipated Channel Throughput Prediction in Wireless Networks
Liqiang Tao
Yi Gong
Shi Jin
Junhui Zhao
SESSION: Performance Modeling and Measurement
GeoRIPE: Efficiently Harvesting Field Measurements for Map-Based Path Loss Modeling
Matthew Tonnemacher
Dinesh Rajan
Joseph Camp
INDIGO: Interest-Driven Data Dissemination Framework for Mobile Networks
Kamini Garg
Silvia Giordano
Mehdi Jazayeri
Synchronizing Tiny Sensors with SISP: A Convergence Study
Oana Hotescu
Katia Jaffrès-Runser
Adrien Van Den Bossche
Thierry Val
REPSYS: A Robust and Distributed Reputation System for Delay-Tolerant Networks
Naercio Magaia
Paulo Pereira
Miguel Correia
SESSION: Traffic and Simulation Modeling
Cross Fertilization Between Wireless Testbeds and NS-3 Simulation Models
Guillaume Kremer
Philippe Owezarski
Pascal Berthou
Tracking You through DNS Traffic: Linking User Sessions by Clustering with Dirichlet Mixture Model
Mingxuan Sun
Guangyue Xu
Junjie Zhang
Dae Wook Kim
CESAR: A Testbed Infrastructure to Evaluate the Efficiency of Wireless Automotive Software Updates
Marco Steger
Carlo A. Boano
Kay Römer
Michael Karner
Joachim Hillebrand
Werner Rom
Ensuring the Reliability of an Autonomous Vehicle: A Formal Approach based on Component Interaction Protocols
Samir Chouali
Azzedine Boukerche
Ahmed Mostefaoui
Attraction-Area Based Geo-Clustering for LTE Vehicular CrowdSensing Data Offloading
Douglas F.S. Nunes
Edson S. Moreira
Bruno Y.L. Kimura
Nishanth Sastry
Toktam Mahmoodi