MSWiM '17- Proceedings of the 20th ACM International Conference on Modelling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems

Full Citation in the ACM Digital Library

SESSION: Keynote Address 1

Provisioning and Management of Internet of Things Applications: Open Issues and Insights

SESSION: Keynote Address 2

Fundamental Concepts, Problems and Algorithms for Wireless Power Transfer in Adhoc Communication Networks


Data Collection in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks: Research Challenges and Potential Approaches

SESSION: Wireless Networks

Optimal Mapping of Stations to Access Points in Enterprise Wireless Local Area Networks

Semi-Blind Interference Prediction in Wireless Networks


LABeL: Link-based Adaptive BLacklisting Technique for 6TiSCH Wireless Industrial Networks

WiFO: A Hybrid WiFi Free-Space Optical Communication Networks of Femtocells

The Importance of Adjacent Channel Interference: Experimental Validation of ns-3 for Dense Wi-Fi Networks

SESSION: Mobility and Multi-Channel Wireless Access

Carrier-Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance and Detection

Multi-Channel Continuous Rendezvous in Cognitive Networks

Rendezvous with Utilities in Cognitive Radio Networks

Improving BLE Distance Estimation and Classification Using TX Power and Machine Learning: A Comparative Analysis

GRM: Group Regularity Mobility Model

SESSION: Mobile Cloud/Fog/Edge Computing

Quality of Experience-Aware Mobile Edge Caching through a Vehicular Cloud

Cost-Effective Processing in Fog-Integrated Internet of Things Ecosystems

QoS-Aware Task Offloading in Distributed Cloudlets with Virtual Network Function Services

Providing Computing Services through Mobile Devices in a Collaborative Way - A Fog Computing Case Study

Hardening Opportunistic HIP

SESSION: Wireless Sensor Networks

DADCA: An Efficient Distributed Algorithm for Aerial DataCollection from Wireless Sensors Networks by UAVs

Experimental Study of Packet Loss in a UWB Sensor Network for Aircraft

Lifetime-Aware Data Collection Using a Mobile Sink in WSNs with Unreachable Regions

Serial In-network Processing for Large Stationary Wireless Sensor Networks

SESSION: 4G/5G Wireless Network

Live Synthesis of Vehicle-Sourced Data Over 4G LTE

Performance Model for 4G/5G Heterogeneous Networks with Different Classes of Users

Joint User Association and Backhaul Routing for Green 5G Mesh Millimeter Wave Backhaul Networks

SESSION: Indoor Localization and Location Privacy

Acrux: Indoor Localization Without Strings

Pre-Crowdsourcing: Predicting Wireless Propagation with Phone-Based Channel Quality Measurements

Rate-Compatible Transmission Schemes Based on Parallel Concatenated Punctured Polar Codes

An Uncertain Continuous Collaborative Users Finding Algorithm for Location Privacy Protection

SESSION: User Mobility and Data Integration

Reverse Engineering Human Mobility in Large-scale Natural Disasters

SMAFramework: Urban Data Integration Framework for Mobility Analysis in Smart Cities

Inferring Private Demographics of New Users in Recommender Systems

SESSION: Scheduling and Prediction

Scheduling Nodes in Underwater Networks using Voronoi Diagram

Energy-efficient HTTP Adaptive Streaming with Anticipated Channel Throughput Prediction in Wireless Networks

SESSION: Performance Modeling and Measurement

GeoRIPE: Efficiently Harvesting Field Measurements for Map-Based Path Loss Modeling

INDIGO: Interest-Driven Data Dissemination Framework for Mobile Networks

Synchronizing Tiny Sensors with SISP: A Convergence Study

REPSYS: A Robust and Distributed Reputation System for Delay-Tolerant Networks

SESSION: Traffic and Simulation Modeling

Cross Fertilization Between Wireless Testbeds and NS-3 Simulation Models

Tracking You through DNS Traffic: Linking User Sessions by Clustering with Dirichlet Mixture Model

CESAR: A Testbed Infrastructure to Evaluate the Efficiency of Wireless Automotive Software Updates

Ensuring the Reliability of an Autonomous Vehicle: A Formal Approach based on Component Interaction Protocols

Attraction-Area Based Geo-Clustering for LTE Vehicular CrowdSensing Data Offloading