MobiWac '17- Proceedings of the 15th ACM International Symposium on Mobility Management and Wireless Access

Full Citation in the ACM Digital Library

SESSION: Mobility Analysis and Detection

An Innovative Dynamic Bit Rate Streaming Approach to Improve Mobile User Multimedia Quality of Experience

Meeting Room State Detection using Environmental Wi-Fi Signature

Using Mathematical Methods Against Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks in VANET

SESSION: Optimization and Performance

Multipath TCP in Smartphones: Impact on Performance, Energy, and CPU Utilization

Decentralised Data Piggybacking and Link Scheduling for Reliable Broadcast in VANETs

NQ-GPLS: N-Queen Inspired Gateway Placement and Learning Automata-based Gateway Selection in Wireless Mesh Network

SESSION: Wireless Communications and Applications

Design and Analysis of Virtualized Caching Service on Cellular Infrastructure

An Ultra-Wide Overlay Cognitive Radio System for Wireless Backhauling for Small Cells

Identifying Channel Saturation in Wi-Fi Networks via Passive Monitoring of IEEE 802.11 Beacon Jitter

Outdoor Range Measurements in Sub-GHz License-free Radio Bands under Realistic Conditions

SESSION: Network Virtualization and Software-Defined Networks

Modular Redundancy for Cloud based IMS Robustness

A Defense System for Defeating DDoS Attacks in SDN based Networks

Design of the Central LISP Management System for the Software-Defined Wireless Network (SDWN)

A Generic and Configurable Topology Discovery Service for Software Defined Wireless Multi-Hop Network

SESSION: Wireless Sensor Networks

A Hybrid Solution for 3D Location and Time Synchronization in WSN

An Evolutionary Graph-Based Approach for Managing Self-Organized IoT Networks

Closed Peripheral Coverage in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks

SESSION: Vehicular Networks

Towards a Formal Analysis of MQtt Protocol in the Context of Communicating Vehicles

A Flow Control Policy Based on the Class of Applications of the Vehicular Networks

2hGAR: 2-Hops Geographical Anycast Routing Protocol for Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Communications

High Awareness Adaptive Beaconing Based on Fuzzy Logic in VANET