SIGSIM-PADS '14- Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGSIM/PADS conference on Principles of advanced discrete simulation

Full Citation in the ACM Digital Library

SESSION: Keynote address 1

Applying modeling and simulation for development of embedded systems

SESSION: Optimistic simulation

LORAIN: a step closer to the PDES 'holy grail'

Lock-free pending event set management in time warp

A case study in using massively parallel simulation for extreme-scale torus network codesign

SESSION: Traffic simulation

Mesoscopic traffic simulation on CPU/GPU

Sim-Tree: indexing moving objects in large-scale parallel microscopic traffic simulation

GPU-assisted hybrid network traffic model

SESSION: Miscellaneous

Modeling and simulation of data center networks

A stream-based architecture for the management and on-line analysis of unbounded amounts of simulation data

SESSION: Multi-core

Exploring many-core architecture design space for parallel discrete event simulation

Transparent multi-core speculative parallelization of DES models with event and cross-state dependencies

Synchronisation for dynamic load balancing of decentralised conservative distributed simulation

SESSION: Simulation methods

Accelerating parallel agent-based epidemiological simulations

Multi-fidelity modeling & simulation methodology for simulation speed up

Towards semantic model composition via experiments

SESSION: Work in progress

Phold performance for distributed network simulation under conservative synchronization methods in ns-3

Securing industrial control systems with a simulation-based verification system

SESSION: Time management and miscellaneous

Integrated simulation and emulation using adaptive time dilation

TimeKeeper: a lightweight virtual time system for linux

Hierarchical resource management for enhancing performance of large-scale simulations on data centers

SESSION: Miscellaneous

Power consumption of data distribution management for on-line simulations

Computing as model-based empirical science

SESSION: Keynote address 2

The earth system modeling framework: interoperability infrastructure for high performance weather and climate models