SIGSIM-PADS '17- Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation

Full Citation in the ACM Digital Library

SESSION: Keynote I

Towards Simulating the Human Brain

SESSION: Paper Session 1 Parallel Simulation I

Multi-tier Priority Queues and 2-tier Ladder Queue for Managing Pending Events in Sequential and Optimistic Parallel Simulations

A Conflict-Resilient Lock-Free Calendar Queue for Scalable Share-Everything PDES Platforms

Quantitative Driven Optimization of a Time Warp Kernel


An Integrated Human Decision Making Model under Extended Belief-Desire-Intention Framework

SESSION: Paper Session 2 Parallel Simulation II

Dealing with Reversibility of Shared Libraries in PDES

Exposing Inter-Process Information for Efficient Parallel Discrete Event Simulation of Spatial Stochastic Systems

Efficient Parallel Simulation over Social Contact Network with Skewed Degree Distribution

SESSION: Paper Session 3 Performance Modeling and Simulation

Power Efficient Distributed Simulation

A Performance Model of Composite Synchronization

Durango: Scalable Synthetic Workload Generation for Extreme-Scale Application Performance Modeling and Simulation

SESSION: Paper Session 4 GPU and Hardware Acceleration

Time Warp on the GPU: Design and Assessment

Performance Characterization of Parallel Discrete Event Simulation on Knights Landing Processor

PDES-A: a Parallel Discrete Event Simulation Accelerator for FPGAs

SESSION: Paper Session 5 Simulation Application I: Networking and Communication

Towards Simulating the Communication Behavior of Real-Time Interactive Applications

Simulation of a Software-Defined Network as One Big Switch

Code-transparent Discrete Event Simulation for Time-accurate Wireless Prototyping

SESSION: Paper Session 6 Modeling and Simulation Methods

Efficient Simulation of Nested Hollow Sphere Intersections: for Dynamically Nested Compartmental Models in Cell Biology

GDS: Gradient Based Density Spline Surfaces For Multiobjective Optimization In Arbitrary Simulations

A Framework for Validation of Network-based Simulation Models: an Application to Modeling Interventions of Pandemics

SESSION: Paper Session 7 Simulation Application II

A Graph Partitioning Algorithm for Parallel Agent-Based Road Traffic Simulation

Lightweight WebSIM Rendering Framework Based on Cloud-Baking

Analyzing Emergency Evacuation Strategies for Mass Gatherings using Crowd Simulation And Analysis framework: Hajj Scenario

SESSION: Paper Session 8 Miscellaneous

Online Analysis of Simulation Data with Stream-based Data Mining

Spatial and Temporal Charging Infrastructure Planning Using Discrete Event Simulation

Towards a Benchmark for the Quantitative Evaluation of Traffic Simulators

Automatic State Saving and Rollback in ns-3