PE-WASUN '17- Proceedings of the 14th ACM Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Wireless Ad Hoc, Sensor, & Ubiquitous Networks

Full Citation in the ACM Digital Library

SESSION: Medium Access Control and Energy Efficiency

Carrier Resolution Multiple Access

CTMA: A More Efficient Channel Access Method for Networks with Hidden Terminals

Revisiting the Analytical Modeling of the IEEE 802.11 Power Save Mode for Independent Basic Service Sets (IBSS)

Performance Analysis of Modified IEEE 802.15.4e MAC for Wireless Sensor Networks

SESSION: UAVs, Robots and Vehicular Networks

Moving Towards Wireless Sensors using RSSI Measurements and Particle Filtering

Control of a Remote Swarm of Drones/Robots Through a Local (Possibly Model) Swarm: Qualitative and Quantitative Issues

REPRO: Time-constrained Data Retrieval for Edge Offloading in Vehicular Clouds

SESSION: Routing, Broadcast and Application

FinalComm: Leveraging Dynamic Communities to Improve Forwarding in DTNs

On the Energy Efficiency and Performance of Neighbor Discovery Schemes for Low Duty Cycle IoT Devices

Performance Evaluation of a Battery-Free Videogame Controller

On the Performance Evaluation of Distributed Resource Block and Power Allocation in D2D-enabled Multi-Cell Networks

Towards Multi-instances QoS Efficient RPL for Smart Grids