Q2SWinet '16- Proceedings of the 12th ACM Symposium on QoS and Security for Wireless and Mobile Networks

Full Citation in the ACM Digital Library

SESSION: Emerging Trends in Wireless and Mobile systems -- I

A Hybrid Storage Service for the Management of Big e-Health Data: A Tele-Rehabilitation Case of Study

Profitable Task Allocation in Mobile Cloud Computing

Decoupled Uplink/Downlink User Association in HetNets: A Matching with Contracts Approach

SESSION: Security in Wireless Networks

Preserving Location Privacy in Radio Networks Using a Stackelberg Game Framework

An Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure for the Web of Things

A Distributed and Adaptive Trust Evaluation Algorithm for MANET

Exploitation of Dual Channel Transmissions to Increase Security and Reliability in Classic Bluetooth Piconets

SESSION: QoS, QoE and Reliability in Wireless Systems -- II

Energy-efficient Multicast Screen Mirroring for QoS Support over WiFi Network

SINR and Reliability based Hidden Terminal Estimation for Next Generation Vehicular Networks

Lifetime-Aware Clustering and DAG-Based Routing in WSNs

SESSION: Emerging Trends in Wireless and Mobile systems -- II

Optimal eNodeB Estimation for 5G Intra-Macrocell Handover Management

Towards Future Situation-Awareness: A Conceptual Middleware Framework for Opportunistic Situation Identification

Anti-Starvation Channel Assignment With Global Conflict Set Selection in IEEE 802.11 WMNs

Wireless Network MAC Layer Performance Evaluation with Full-Duplex Capable Nodes

SESSION: QoS, QoE and Reliability in Wireless Systems -- II

Evaluation of the Power Consumption of Image Descriptors on Smartphone Platforms

A Comparative Study of Data Aggregation Approaches for Wireless Sensor Networks

Internet of Things: Security in the Keys

How Interactions between RPL and Radio Duty Cycling Protocols Affect QoS in Wireless Sensor Networks