Q2SWinet '17- Proceedings of the 13th ACM Symposium on QoS and Security for Wireless and Mobile Networks

Full Citation in the ACM Digital Library

SESSION: Security and Privacy

Mitigating Selective Jamming Attacks in Smart Meter Data Collection using Moving Target Defense

Proactive Certificate Distribution for PKI in VANET

An Efficient Source Anonymity Technique based on Exponential Distribution against a Global Adversary Model using Fake Injections

SESSION: Modeling and Analysis of Wireless Networks

An Empirical Characterization of Internet Round-Trip Times

A Reusable Component-Based Model for WSN Storage Simulation

Analysis of Underwater Target Detection Probability by Using Autonomous Underwater Vehicles

SESSION: Wireless Sensor Networks

Reactive Routing Protocol for Event Reporting in Mobile-Sink Wireless Sensor Networks

Heuristic and Meta-Heuristic Approaches for Energy-Efficient Coverage-Preserving Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks

System Level Evaluation and Validation of the ns-3 LTE Module in 3GPP Reference Scenarios

SESSION: QoS and Performance

Mobile Matrix: A Multihop Address Allocation and Any-to-Any Routing in Mobile 6LoWPAN

Location-based Mechanism for Positioning of a Mobile Relay

Mining Historical Data towards Interference Management in Wireless SDNs

SESSION: Data Analytics for Wireless Networks

Spatio-Temporal Compressive Sensing Technique for Data Gathering and Anomaly Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks

Distributed Coordinate-free Boundary Nodes Identification in Wireless Sensor Networks

Priority Aware Interference Mitigation Techniques for Coexistence of Wireless Technologies in Smart Utility Networks

Network Coding for 5G Network and D2D Communication