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SIGSIM Distinguished Contributions Award
Call for Nominations

The SIGSIM Distinguished Contributions Award recognizes individuals based on their overall contributions to the field of modeling and simulation, including technical innovations, publications, leadership, teaching, mentoring, and service to the community.

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Gas Cloud Simulation

A simulation of how a gas cloud that has been observed approaching the supermassive black hole at the centre of the galaxy.

Advanced Test Reactor Simulation

Advanced simulation capabilities can model reactors, such as INL's Advanced Test Reactor shown here, from atomic scales to full-sized reactor assemblies.

Underwater EVA Simulation

Underwater simulation of extravehicular activity (EVA).

Combat Simulation

A screen capture depicts a combat situation in a digital world during a command post exercise inside the Joint Multinational Simulations Center.

Motorcycle Simulator

Testing motorcycle simulator at the Pentagon to get a feel for how the bike would handle some situations.

Wake Turbulence Simulation

Wake turbulence simulation for an Airbus A340 on final approach, just before touchdown.

Driving Conditions Simulator

View from the cockpit of the simulator. Multiple screens provide a view similar to what one would see in a snowplow on the road.

Molecules Simulation

Dynamic computer simulations of molecular systems.

Global Aerosols Simulation

This portrait of global aerosols was produced by a Goddard Earth Observing System Model, Version 5 (GEOS-5) simulation at a 10-kilometer resolution.

Driving Simulation

Simulation for driving training.

themed object
Special Interest Group (SIG) on SImulation and Modeling (SIM)
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ACM SIGSIM Distinguished Contributions Award

Call for Nominations

ACM SIGSIM is soliciting nominations from SIGSIM members and those in the broader modeling and simulation (M&S) community for the 2021 ACM SIGSIM Distinguished Contributions Award, to be presented at the 2021 Winter Simulation Conference to be held on December 12-15, 2021.

The recipient of the Award receives a plaque and a honorarium of $1500.

See the past recipients of the Award.

Nominations should be based on the nominee’s overall contributions to the field of M&S, including technical innovations, publications, leadership, teaching, mentoring, and service to the community.  Any member of the M&S community can submit a nomination by sending a nomination letter (email or surface mail) to the awards committee, identifying the nominee and describing his or her contributions.  The CV of the nominee should also be included. Nominations should be received by September 15, 2021, and should highlight the nominee's contributions in several of the areas mentioned below.  We expect that no single nominee will have significant contributions in every area.

  1. Service via elected offices in SIGSIM and/or other M&S societies.
  2. Editorial responsibilities for M&S publications, such as department editor, area editor, or editor-in-chief.
  3. Conference management responsibilities for M&S related conferences, including program chair, proceedings editor, general chair, or organizing committee.
  4. Technical contributions through scholarly publications appearing in archival journals, conference proceedings, books or monographs that have had an impact on producing new knowledge or improving the practice of M&S.
  5. Significant contributions in M&S education, including teaching of M&S subjects and/or the development of students who have made notable contributions in their own right.
  6. Contributions in the mentoring of colleagues or co-workers to advance the practice and recognition of M&S within an organization or the public domain.

In addition to the nomination letter, the submission must include at least two support letters substantiating the qualifications of the nominee.

An unsuccessful nomination shall be considered for the Award in the two years following the initial submission, and revisions of the nomination letter, support letters, and nominee's CV are permitted.

SIGSIM Distinguished Contributions Award Committee:

SIGSIM Distinguished Contributions Award Nomination Chair:


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