May 31-June 2, 2021

Suffolk, Virginia, USA

Visa Information

Visa information for traveling to the United States of America is provided herein.

High-Fidelity Battlefield Simulation Support Military Simulation Simulations Prepare Marine Corps for War Virtual Reality Simulation Virtual Reality Driving Simulator Virtual Reality Medical Simulator
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ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation (PADS)
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Visa Information

Please visit the U.S. Department of State U.S. Visas website for official information about the U.S. visas.

The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), the sponsor of the ACM SIGSIM PADS conference, does not issue formal invitation letters for visas. However, ACM can issue a visa support letter for people coming to U.S.A. from other countries.


Visitors Eligible for Visa Waiver Program

The Visa Waiver Program (VWP) enables most citizens or nationals of participating countries to travel to the United States for tourism or business for stays of 90 days or less without obtaining a visa. If you are a citizen of a participating country, please follow the instructions provided at the VWP webite.


Other Visitors

If you are traveling to the United States with a passport issued by a country that does not participate in the Visa Waiver Program (VWP), you must apply for a visa. To apply for a visa, you must have a support letter.

Support Letters

For visa support letters, please send all requests to General Chair Saikou Diallo with the following information:

  1. Your name as it appears in your passport.
  2. Your current postal mailing address.
  3. ACM SIGSIM PADS as the name of the conference you will attend.
  4. Your conference registration confirmation number.
  5. If you are the author or co-author of any paper accepted for the conference, please provide the title of the paper.  If you are a speaker without an accepted paper, please provide the title/topic of your speech.
  6. Include an email address for the visa support letter to be sent.

Visa support letters are answered in the order they are received. You will receive a PDF letter by email in 7-10 business days. The PDF serves as a signed electronic version of the original letter. Please print out your PDF visa support letter and take it with you to your visa appointment. The original letter is mailed only upon an explicit request. Note that visa support letters will be provided to only those participants who have registered and paid for the conference. Should a participant withdraw from the conference after the issue of the visa support letter, the U.S. consulate or embassy will be notified of the withdrawal accordingly.



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